Ever thought of SHAPE for HEAP MEMORY [be it Node, Java or Python) ? It could be a BALOON shape. How it should be - HOT 🔥 AIR BALOON
Why BALOON comparison
A baloon keeps expanding elastically and just before xploding.
Have you noticed that when we blow using our mouth, initially we are blowing fast but later had to cautiously do as we don't know the breaking point
Also, the shape of the baloon just before xploding would be interesting but we might not have seen it consciously
Now back to HEAP memory
Like baloon, so is the HEAP, to tune to maximum performance, note down the heap if the application crashes, in log you can see OUT OF MEMORY error
We start with a rough known memory and slowly increase it to tune for application performance
Now about the future shape of heap
It should be a HOT AIR BALOON
Why ?
It should be flexible and the air pump maintains the required pressure
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