Where AI struggles. We need Augmented Intelligence

Image courtesy: freepik

This is just my personal experience and doesn’t invite companies for suing and any other law related concerns, defamation concerns etc πŸ˜€

Dear readers
There is no doubt AI and ML are advancing fast in the industry and most of us are aware and reading them.

I just wish to share a different perspective where AI and ML are struggling against the Intelligence of humans

In a πŸ“Έ quiz that i had with college mates and 🏬 friends, a quiz remains unsolved. Note here that it's a quiz run for humans. The humans in turn use different πŸ”§ and the tools failed to recognise a photo of a  ⛪️ 

Quiz as on πŸ“… remains unsolved - FYI

What's the deal / learning 
Human brain continously evolves based on dynamic creation of neurons and neural networks on demand and is not going to be easily replaced 100% by AI and ML

What should we do: Augmented Intelligence
We should try to augment the AI and HI [Human Intelligence], may be a new field entirely like a process engine

For example, you run πŸƒ‍♀️ an experiment and when AI fails, the experiment can be passed on to real-time decision making by humans

Please watch out for comments as the struggles of AI will be added regularly to comments


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